Features Bannoj Of The Policy Or The Bath 2

Description: If it is obvious to you that at the wrong time drunk the second — ruined the first if you understand that the woman, as well as beer, at first foams, and then gives pleasure — means, you not bad understand features of Russian bath. When at our politicians there, above, falls or falls (in sense of a rouble exchange rate), at us below there and then rises (in sense, a question) — «What to do?!». On it bathhouse attendant Mitricha has a simple and capacious answer — to gather with friends in баньке on the bank of small river, to drink vodka with beer and to poison baizes about these politicians who easily can mix a horse with the girl, a sauna with a toilet, and a head with genital body. Where in Russia important state affairs dare? Just about! Know all! In a bath! And who will open secrets? Only skilled bathhouse attendant Mitrich. With jokes and humourous catchphrases, but quite seriously it will tell, as tsar Peter distributed recruits in armies as the person managed a surname that the general at the deputy and the sanitary technician...
Actors: Alexey Yakubov, Ekaterina Zinchenko, Lyubov Tikhomirova, Oksana Stashenko, Olga Tolstetskaya, Pavel Stepanov, Sergei Gusinsky, Viktor Bychkov
Director: Vladimir Karayev
Studio: KV Film
Release date: 18 October 2000
Categories: Russian Porno, Feature Films