Tori Black: Part 9

Description: Tori Blek was born on August, 26th in Seattle, the State of Washington, the USA. After leaving school the girl has decided to continue training in college. To earn money for payment of training, Tori worked as model, but this money didn't suffice, during that moment to it has suggested to test at first as pornomodel, and then and on shootings of films for adults. For three years (to act in film in films for adults she has begun in 2007) Tori has acted in film in more than 200 films. Also Tori acts in film as model for pornomagazines. Its favourite magazine is "Penthouse". For three years of career, Tori has had time to receive some awards at festivals of films for adults, huge popularity and the solid income which suffices not only on training payment (Tori and hasn't given up thought to finish college), but also on own huge house. In spite of the fact that Tori already has considerable experience, it doesn't have contract with certain studio. Тори prefers work on hiring acting in film in films of different studios. Also Tori have some promo-sites. In 2009 Tori has proved once again that it is one of main "players" in the pornoindustry, collecting numerous awards. C such awards as "CAVR Hottie of the Year Award", "XRCO Starlet of the Year Award" and "FAME Favourite Rookie Starlet Award" under its belt, Tori Blek not to stop seems that.